Serenity from the Garden

Serenity from garden.jpeg

By Shelly Currin

Gardening where I’m living now is more difficult than where I used to live.  The normal summer temperature is 90-100 degrees and only cools into the 70’s at night.  I have learned, the hard way, that many vegetable plants do not do well above 85 degrees.  Green beans and tomatoes both stop vegetable/fruit production above that temperature and put their energy into simply surviving.  Melons and corn seem to do well though.  I love to pick fresh vegetables for my table and I do not want to give up my tomatoes and green beans.  But I can’t control the weather.  What I can do though is change their environment, at least a little.  I can put shade covers up so the temperature is tolerable for them.  And I can make sure they get sufficient water.

This made me ponder, what in my life situation can I change and what can I not change.  The serenity prayer says, “God, grant me to serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”  What am I assuming is unchangeable and therefore accepting as-is?  What is not changeable but I am trying to change it, causing myself undo stress?  This could be a job, a relationship, my living situation, the car I’m driving, even which seeds I put in the garden box.  For example, I may not be able to change jobs at this moment due to various circumstances.  But I am able to change my attitude about my work.  I can choose gratitude and positivity rather than complaining and negativity.  

Change and acceptance both take courage.  Discerning what I can and cannot change takes wisdom.  Let’s take some time to ponder.  What am I trying to change that needs acceptance?  What is stopping me from accepting it?  What would the result be if I chose acceptance? What am I being led to change but am telling myself it is unchangeable?  What is getting in the way of me stepping out and making the needed change so I can more fully live the life I am called to?  What would the result be if I made the change I’m feeling led to make?

I pray we have the courage and wisdom to do what brings us to our full potential!


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