How to revamp your dreams?

What is your dream?


How many of you remember as a child being asked

what you wanted to be when you grew up?

Do you remember what those dreams were?


Friends, let’s find them and dig them out.


Think about what you like, don’t like, and what you are passionate about?

If you had time and unlimited resources, what would you do?

Think about what you really want.


You need to write down what you want and why you want it.


Make sure they are important to you.

And ask yourself why they are important to you.


As you are thinking and writing them down…

Take the “BUT” out, B U T but I am old, but I am single, but I have no money, but I have no education, but but but.


Imagine the different sizes of dreams.

Small, medium, large, and xl large dreams.

And be specific.


As you write down your dreams they will transform into your goals.


How to create an action plan?


Ponder Together